Prize of the audience
41 st IFF Karlovy Vary 2006
Special mention of the jury
41 st IFF Karlovy Vary 2006
Talent Taube
49th Dok-Leipzig 2006
Grand Prix
Ekofilm Český Krumlov 2006
Euro Media Award
Vienna 2006
Prize of the Film Culture Club
36 th LLF Lagów 2006
Prize of the Ministry of labour,
social affairs and family
33th Ekotopfilm Bratislava 2006
Prize oh the Director of the Festival
14 th Etnofilm Čadca 2006
Slovak Film Achievement Prize
Kinema Film of the Year 2006
for the best slovak documentary film of the year 2007
Sun in a Net
National Film Award for Best Documentary
Film 2006-2007
Prize of Rudo Sloboda
Collective rights society LITA 2007
2nd Festival Award
9th International Days of Documentary Cinema
Crossroads of Europe, Lublin 2008